
Further Features Fo...

Further Features For The Community Forum

Status: Member
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Posts: 838

Currently there is no alert window to announce any likes or replies we have got - the only way is by clicking the 'subscribe to topic' button, then accepting it in an email, and then receiving emails which don't always turn up. It would be much better to have an in-site way of doing this, like on forums such as GTPlanet (and the XenForo software in general). Additionally, private messaging on the forum would be cool for user-to-user communication, and perhaps an alternate method to the clunky current way to contact support. Of course, many of these issues could be fixed by having a separate Discord server which could be worth considering. (And as I have experience managing Discord servers I'd be more than welcome to run it on behalf of you)

I like porn

22/06/2022 5:07 pm
Status: Member
Points: 51
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 838

Additionally, would we be able to have a general chat forum category? Currently all of the subforums are basically support channels, and I think this means we are not able to talk about things that don't relate to that  - we could have quite an active community here if it was added. Ramsey's game idea could even become a thread instead of needing to be coded into the site.

I like porn

24/06/2022 12:24 pm
Status: Expert Contributor
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Posts: 430

and then receiving emails which don't always turn up

we are fixing this issue right now. sometimes email get through, and sometimes they get caught by spam filters. emailing and adult sites is a nightmare, but we are setting up a different way of sending out emails that should work 100% of the time.

general chat forum category

I will add this next week.

separate Discord server

I dont want to rely on any third party for vital features. If they decide they dont like nude pictures on their platform, or if they get a dmca for content then they just shut it down. We need 100% control of the platform.

01/07/2022 1:30 pm
Status: Expert Contributor
Points: 3221
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 430

Additionally, would we be able to have a general chat forum category?

Added today!

04/07/2022 3:13 pm