
Add who is hotter g...

Add who is hotter game

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I think it will be fun addition and good way to find new models

21/06/2022 1:37 pm
Status: Member
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Posted by: @ramsey

I think it will be fun addition and good way to find new models

Sounds fun. How do you think it would work? I imagine it would be a poll between two or more randomly-selected models, with the winner going onto the next round. It might also be a good idea to have two or more versions of the game, as I imagine if one of the options was one of the more popular models like Alisa I or Gloria Sol they'd win all of the time. We could have a game for the popular models (like the 100), maybe one for the top 1000, and maybe another for every model on the site. There are also some OnlyFans models on the site, so perhaps there could be a game specific to them.

I like porn

22/06/2022 3:17 pm
Status: Expert Contributor
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Posts: 9

It could be the default play with all the models and we have the option to add filter to play with top rated only for example 

23/06/2022 3:10 am
Status: Member
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Posts: 838
Posted by: @ramsey

It could be the default play with all the models and we have the option to add filter to play with top rated only for example 

I see, that could work.

I like porn

23/06/2022 11:23 pm
Status: Expert Contributor
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pls share your thought regarding this feature in this thread

01/07/2022 1:32 pm